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Data Model

Main Elements

The minimum unit of information in Auravant is the Field. A Field can be defined only with a name and a polygon.

In turn, there is the Farm which is nothing more than a grouping of Fields and can only be defined with a name. The Fields must be assigned to which Farm they belong.

The Seasons are a group of labours carried out on a Field in a period determined by a yeargroup. In other words, by crossing a yeargroup and a Field, a Season is obtained.

On the other hand, Rotations or Crop Organiser is a functionality within the management module that allows to assign crops per field in a quick and easy way without the need to generate a sowing record. Through this functionality, users have the possibility to register detailed information about the crop, such as the variety sown, the number of hectares to be sown, the estimated yield and other relevant details allowing for greater traceability of the use of the platform.

Once a Rotation has been defined, Labors can be added to it.

Each labor has:

  • a type (Application, Sowing or Harvesting).
  • a status (Planned, Executed or Cancelled).
  • a list of associated inputs.
  • data specific to each type of labor.

Apart from the labour associated inputs, each user have an Input list. This list have a variety of inputs predefined by default. However, a user could add its own inputs which only the user will see.

These labours or activities can be grouped in Work Orders.

On the other hand, a field has associated Spots, Maps and Layers which do not depend on a specific campaign.

Data model Data model