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Tags API


An API is available to manipulate farm labels created by the user. These labels have a text and a color, and can be assigned to a farm. They can be seen in the farm selector in the upper section of the platform.


POST /api/tags_campos/tag

Receives the following parameters in the query string:

  • desc:string, (mandatory.) tag's description.
  • color:string, (optional.) color in hexadecimal format without "#". Example: FD37E6. If the parameter is not sent, a random color is assigned.
  • id_campo:integer, (optional.) If this parameter is sent, it is assigned to the corresponding farm.

Use example

fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response example

"color": "C51965",
"res": "creado",
"tag": "tag1",
"id_tag": 123,
"id_campo": 11111

Posible errors

  • Invalid color format
"info": "El color debe tener formato de 6 caracteres sin hash inicial ej FD37E6",
"res": "err",
"code": 2
  • Tag's name already exists
"info": "El nombre de la llave ya existe para ese usaurio",
"res": "err",
"code": 3


PATCH /api/tags_campos/tag

Receives the following parameters in the query string:

  • id_tag: integer, (mandatory.) ID of the tag to be modified
  • desc:string, Tag's description.
  • color:string, color in hexadecimal format without "#". Example: FD37E6. If the parameter is not sent, a random color is assigned.

⚠️ NOTE: It is mandatory to send at least one of the two parameters (desc or color)

Use example

fetch("", {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response example

"color": "aa00aa",
"id_usuario": 000000,
"tag": "modified",
"id_tag": 1234,
"res": "modificado"

Posible errors

  • Invalid format color
"info": "El color debe tener formato de 6 caracteres sin hash inicial ej FD37E6",
"res": "err",
"code": 2
  • Inexistant label ID
"info": "Id de tag inexistente",
"res": "err",
"code": 3
  • Label name already exists
"info": "El nombre de la llave ya existe para ese usaurio",
"res": "err",
"code": -6


GET /api/tags_campos/tag

It has three forms of use:

  • tag: fetches information from a single tag.
  • farm: fetches information from the tags associated with a farm.
  • user: fetches information from all user tags.

Depending on what is passed through the query string, the form of use varies.

What could be sent:

  • id_campo:integer, (ID of the farm from which it is sought to obtain the associated labels.) It fetches all the tags associated with a field.
  • id_tag:integer, (ID of the tag whose information is sought to be obtained.) It fetches the information of the specified tag.
  • If no parameters are sent in the query string, the form of use corresponds to the user's tags. It will bring all the tags created by the logged in user.

Use example

fetch("", {
method: "GET",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response examples


"filter": "tag info",
"result": {
"934": {
"color": "aa00aa",
"tag": "modified"


"filter": "farm tags",
"result": {
"934": {
"color": "987A60",
"tag": "tag2"
"935": {
"color": "C51965",
"tag": "tags"


"filter": "user tags",
"result": {
"934": {
"color": "987A60",
"tag": "tag 2"
"935": {
"color": "C51965",
"tag": "tags"
"936": {
"color": "50432B",
"tag": "tag4"


DELETE /api/tags_campos/tag

Receives the following parameters in the query string:

  • id_tag:integer, (mandatory.) Label's ID.

Use example

fetch("", {
method: "DELETE",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response example

"res": "eliminado",
"id_tag": 1234

Posible error

"info": "Codigo de tag inexistente",
"res": "err",
"code": 3

Associate a label to a farm


POST /api/tags_campos/asociar

Receives the following parameters in the query string:

  • id_tag:integer, (mandatory.) ID of the label to be associated.
  • id_campo:integer, (mandatory.) ID of the farm to which the label is going to be associated with.

Returns the total labels associated with the farm to which the label is associated.

Ejemplo de uso

fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response example

"1234": {
"tag": "modified",
"color": "aa00aa"
"1235": {
"tag": "nuevotag",
"color": "15ffcd"

Posible errors

"info": "Faltan Parametros",
"res": "err",
"code": 1


DELETE /api/tags_campos/asociar

Receives the following parameters in the query string:

  • id_tag:integer, (mandatory.) ID of the label to be disassociated.
  • id_campo:integer, (mandatory.) ID of the farm to which the label is going to be disassociated from.

Returns the total labels associated with the farm to which the label is disassociated.

Use example

fetch("", {
method: "DELETE",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+token
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(result => console.log(result))

Response example

"1235": {
"tag": "nuevotag",
"color": "15ffcd"

Posible errors

"info": "Faltan Parametros",
"res": "err",
"code": 1